Helping you to reach your goals on your terms...

Your finances should be based on the reality of your means and objectives.  Pacific Horizon Investment Management, LLC offers financial planning with an investment strategy that considers your needs, comfort for risk, and time horizon, ultimately allowing you more time to focus on what matters most.

Our approach starts with understanding your individual circumstances to create a personalized financial plan tailored to your stated goals. From there, we construct a sensible portfolio with allocation levels for long-term, stable appreciation of capital, adhering to the following key principles.    

  • Simplicity & Cost: We favor an investment strategy characterized by low overhead costs, minimal turnover, tax-efficiency and broad diversification. As a result, we develop portfolios that are primarily invested in well-constructed, no load, low-cost, tax-efficient index funds or ETFs, along with a small allocation to certain select actively managed funds.    

  • Balance & Diversification: Investing with balance and diversification in a well-diversified, equity-oriented
    portfolio provides a framework for investment success.  We create broadly diversified portfolios among several asset classes (i.e. value and growth) and sizes (i.e. small cap and large cap). Our aim is for true diversification in developing portfolios that balance higher returns with risk tolerance.  

  • Asset Allocation: A stable asset allocation will prevent the common errors of becoming too optimistic after good times and too pessimistic after bad times. Once target asset allocations are set, we keep you on track making adjustments as necessary to reflect changes in the capital markets or personal circumstances.  

  • Risk Tolerance: We’re not concerned with taking unneeded and outsize risk in an effort to trounce the broader stock market. Instead, we manage risk prudently and focus on a risk profile that matches your particular situation and needs.  

  • Staying the Course: We believe time in the market is more important than timing the market. We avoid fads and “can’t miss” opportunities, but instead pay close adherence in helping you stay on course in structuring a portfolio for long-term success, not short-term tactics.  We encourage our clients to tune out distractions and resist the barrage of news about the daily movements of the markets. Much of this information is irrelevant to your objectives as a long-term investor. Our goal is helping you stay focused on your long-term goals.  

  • Accessibility and Client Relationship: A client relationship centered around trust to help you preserve and grow your portfolio during various life stages and changing circumstances in order to achieve the peace-of-mind that comes from having assets safely invested and earning competitive rates of return without being exposed to unnecessary risks. This includes a one-to-one annual meeting to review your financial plan and meetings as often as you see fit, with unrestricted access by phone or e-mail to answer any questions, discuss your portfolio or address any concerns. This is an important part of the process that helps ensure your investment strategy remains appropriate for you.